Walkathon, Fjaler Day, etc.

I remember the walkathon. First there were loads of discussions about some busses at the college, then we finally made it to Bergen where it was raining like hell. Vijay and I collected money, went to a kebab place, collected a bit more money, and then went to another café to get some coffee and write the speech that Hamzah and Vijay was going to have. Mattia was there as well, I remember I was wondering how he could collect money to “poor people”. I remember the reggae band, all the flags, and especially Marks enthusiasm in the dancing and singing.
I remember rainy Fjaler Day, it was a big disappointment, rain, rain, rain, many flags and national costumes, and then a delayed show that I left before time together with Mattia.
I remember the “National Costume Parade”…..
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