Saturday, May 13, 2006

The first days

Today the summer came to Denmark. That means that I have to find my sunglasses and get my swimsuit on again. When I opened the case to my sunglasses, some sand felt out. Sand from Sahara. All the memories hit me like the rain in Flekke, one after one, and suddenly I had memories all around me. Not only about Sahara but everything before and after that came to my mind. It made me think about the first year in Flekke. About the small things, this made my whole year be what it was.

Here are some thoughts about the First Year, it might be totally different from what you think about your first year, and it is only my thoughts. I don’t want to make the whole year into a “chocolate box”, but as most other people I mostly the good things.

The first real memory I have from the college is in Gardamon airport in Oslo. Erik’s son came, and the first second years I met were Flemming and Betha. I remember the tall italien guy who only talked about football, I remember going to the toilet with David and thinking…oh my god, it is that kind of place I am going to. I remember that I didn’t want to play cards (but that Mette and Ruth-Anne really wanted all of us to join.) I remember seeing a weird asian looking guy sleeping (far away from all the others) with big headphones on. Damn, he looked strange. I remember Klaus and me trying to convince all people that Mette was the Danish champion in Curling.
The bus trip was long, but I was sitting next to Klaus, so I didn’t have to socialize with anyone. Behind me was a pretty-boy looking kind of guy. He was just sitting there with his long blond hair, a cap and his red sweater. A Swedish girl (actually quit hot) was talking with Klaus about hip-hop music that I had never heard about. I was awake most of the trip, and everyone else was sleeping. I was wondering about how isolated the school will be, and how it will go with my poor English.The first month was full of impressions, my Chinese roommate had his birthday, but he didn’t have any friends, therefore I walked around to all the rooms to invite people to the Høgh to celebrate him. Almost everyone showed up! I remember the hike up the big mountain behind the school, I brought a Danish flag to the top and conquer the mountain. I was talking a lot with Patrick, Max, Nela and Vijay around this time.


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