I am leaving my room with the sound of the Grateful Dead, walking next door to Max where George is listing to american gansta hip-hop, Max is not there so I walk down the student village. From Iceland House i hear 50 Cent from Klaus' window, from Norway house it is Alrune Rod from Naja's window (An old alternative band from DK); however, she change the CD to Kashmir... I also hear some different Spanish music from 201 but I still dont know the language.... In Finland house I first hear the norwegian national song from Hermans computer, then I also hear some few lines from Matt's...hmm...I think the song is something like: "..and I dont know what to do, cause I'll never be with you..."...... In 103 the only music which is playing is Jack Johnsons CD... In Denmark house I hear two very different kind of music, some VERY alternative 60' psyk. rock from Alpars room, and The Ark and later Pink Floyd from Niko's room... I walk down to the Høgh, where a bunch of people are singing: "as we go on, we remember", and I fast leave again. On my way to the island I meet Ace who is walking with his headphones on, I cant hear what kind of music it is...but I can guess it.
Itay is sitting in the grass with his guitar and I decide to sit down and join has one mixed cd the whole day...

I remember the rain and the snow. I still remember...

Graduation was strange. The First years cried a lot more than the second years; especially the songs were hard for some people. Then suddenly the mood changed when we came outside, everyone was happy and smiling and the sun was shining. The graduation dinner had been weird, all the first years had been lined up to take pictures, small kids started to grow up this day. Suddenly the second years will not be at the college anymore. Peter’s hat, all the couples kissing goodbye and beautiful dress all mixed up. During the dinner, everyone was walking around doing nothing. Klaus and Jehangir were sitting outside Finland House, Louise and Naja were sitting on the rocks smoking cigarettes, and Mica and I sat on the bench outside the Høgh talking about the upcoming summer.
The busses left. The Second Years Left. I was actually quite happy. Now the best time of the whole year started. I went around campus stealing pizza and ice-cream that the second years had forgotten.

The Last Days

The last days were very strange. Suddenly the second years start studying, Alita would always be in the philosophy classroom (or in smokers corner), Vijay decided that he would only study when he took a shit, and the first years were either chilling or stressing about the last papers. The weather was good, so the philosophy classes would be outside, the math classes got a bit better when we found out that Rhian was leaving (however, David was still sitting in the front and sucking up). It was “the last … with second years” everywhere, the last World Today, the last Friday activity, and the last Snikkabua. The last party was celebrated in the forest behind the school, never have so much alcohol been drunk by so many people in such a short time. The day after we had the First Aid course, I clearly remember Max and I still being drunk, and everyone else just hangover.
The last days were also “College CD’s” day where I joined in on the two most important songs (where my help was needed). “Sin Documentos” and “Hvor er du fra” has never sounded better.

I remember the TOK boattrip where I got to talk with many people for the first time, I got to say some “things” to John L., and I experienced the scout spirit that I missed from home. I remember sleeping outside beside the the fireplace, I remember all the food falling out of the pot, to end on the ground. I remember that we only caught one little tiny fish, and that I smoked it.


I remember Svanøy and the good weather. I remember going out there in a little fast boat, most people slept, I talked with AK for one of the first times, and I knew the next coming days were going to be a chill out holiday. I had brought some “extra” resourses that I had from Magnus that meant that my group (Ellie, Jermaine, Herman and I) could get faster done with all the exercises.

Walkathon, Fjaler Day, etc.

I remember the walkathon. First there were loads of discussions about some busses at the college, then we finally made it to Bergen where it was raining like hell. Vijay and I collected money, went to a kebab place, collected a bit more money, and then went to another café to get some coffee and write the speech that Hamzah and Vijay was going to have. Mattia was there as well, I remember I was wondering how he could collect money to “poor people”. I remember the reggae band, all the flags, and especially Marks enthusiasm in the dancing and singing.
I remember rainy Fjaler Day, it was a big disappointment, rain, rain, rain, many flags and national costumes, and then a delayed show that I left before time together with Mattia.
I remember the “National Costume Parade”…..
The Queen!

I remember when the queen came and the whole school got cleaned, every chair, every floor, every piece of gravel was clean when she arrived. And to quote Anna G. at the college meeting: “Behave as you normally do, but move the bottles and stop drinking”. Max and I had our service, so we came home a bit later (due to all the hardcore dancing with a bunch of mentally challenged Norwegians). Max was blowing bubble gum doing the show, and the daily UWC life was put on pause for a day or two.
Holidays and parties Vol. 3

How come that I can't remember my first party (on the first night at the college) :-)
Holidays and parties Vol. 2

Nevertheless, the special occasions were not boring. It would be the same group of people each time, sometimes the teacher would come for a beer, and the music would be relaxing and chilling. The part itself would be super good, if you had been drinking, and damn boring if you had forgot to buy anything the day before. Sometimes I would run back to my room to drink some more, and taking a piss on campus could save my weekend. For me, the after parties were in Finland House 103, together with a bunch of Latinas who will be

speaking Spanish all the time. Sometimes we would do crazy things, like piercing Bethas ears with a needle and vodka, other times would it just be chilling with a guitar and beers. A party would be the best when 14 people could squeeze into a bathroom, with loud music, water pipe, and loads of alcohol.The cabin parties is a totally different story, everyone would be so drunk that they couldn’t remember anything the day after, new friendships will be created, and old ones will disappear. Everyone would be making out with everyone, even though everyone knew who will end up with whom in the end of the night. The deposit will always be enough to pay for the cabin.

Holidays and parties

The holidays were extremely special as well, if you went home, it would be together with someone else, and the time in Bergen would be the first time you meet civilization since last holiday. Staying at college would be walks to Flekke everyday to fill up the stocks of beers and chips. I would drink until the morning and wake up for lunch. I would play Risk, watch movies, and just do nothing at all. My to do list will get longer and longer for everyday, but the alcohol is the winner every time. We would be able to drink without problems in the rooms, even in the dayrooms! Most people would be away from college, so you will have to talk with some new people, and drinking sessions would be a lot more interesting than the normal special occasions.

A Sunny Day Vol. 3

Around 16:00 I would find Ana, Itay, Mica, Hajja, we would sit down on the grass with two guitars, mate, and singing Beatles songs…. Yellow submarine, Let it be, and of course Come Together will be sung around 10 times, together with some Spanish song.
The day will almost be over now, the dinner is chicken so everyone is happy, and we are sitting outside eating until 19.00 where we will go back and watch a movie. Later in the night, I would go around campus and visit random rooms, but I will always end in Finland House 201 where

everyone is welcoming, the food is good, and the room is cosy.
A Sunny Day Vol. 2

It is around 15:00 now, and I want to walk around the campus with my camera. I would pass by Matt’s window and give him the last book that I just bought over Amazon (most likely Bukowski). He would be sitting complain about the deadline that he has in philosophy (and at the same time remind me to do it). My walk would take me to the art room where Mattia would be making a pope, and talk about all the fake people on the campus. My walk continues towards the yellow and green colours next to the old boat house. Some latinos would be sailing around in the fjord,

and Louise and Negar would be sun-bathing on the docks on the island.